Thursday, May 31, 2007

Bad picture, perfect background!!

hI!!! i am so sorry that i don't blog for a long time!! i tried before but my computer is having some problem!! a love this pic, huahuahuahuah!!! ehh, no school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we need to do a lot of things this summer , ok? so we will never forget it!!! i want to go to the beach! maybe we can go this weakend!? it would be fun!!!! oh, my mom wants me to teach my brother portugues ( using this book that she bought) during june! starting next monday, i will teach him one hour every week day and by the end of the mounth she will give $50!! see at our dance class! love u!!

1 comment:

Carla said...


well. yes. please get rid of that picture. or at least crop it.
and doesn't your brother already know portuguese?!?!?!?! lol. I got you though... hehehe. miss you. weird. but i do. and i really want to go to the beach so maybe next weekend or on a weekday bc this weekend we're really busy......
can't wait til ice skating on monday!

nighty night