Thursday, September 20, 2007

happy birthday bruno!!!!!!!!! xD

- hey... happy birthday Bruno!!! i love you sooo much and i want everything good to happen to you!

so.. my brother's birthday party was this last Saturday and he invited some friends over! we played volleyball, soccer, swim (race), water balloons war( hehe) ... and we jumped a lot!!! =D

today is the Mr Panther thing at my school! i am not sure if i am going because the tickets were sold out, but Thais is trying to get me one!! i will tell u what will happen later....
love, biba

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Hey, do u remember that flowers we planted in front of my house??! so, they grew so much and they are so pretty !

.. and this pretty blue flowers grew from nowhere between them!

Yesterday i saw that movie "Nanny Dairy"! it is so cute!
i need to get really now, i am going to a barbecue at my mom's friend's house!
love biba