Monday, March 10, 2008

2 + 2 = math


Sorry i haven't post in a long time! this week was CRAZY!!! everyday after school i had been staying and studyingfor the math competition that was this last Saturday. I worked so hard because i wanted to get a good placement between the competitor. It ended up that i was in 75 place out of 121 students. Not as good as a wanted but it is ok..... i know that the other school do all kind of things like classes after school everyday since the beginning of the year so they will always be better... but i will try to study by my own more and learn things and see if i can do better next time!

My last competition will be in Orlando. We will stay there for 3 days, we will miss 1 or 2 days of school and we may go to universal... super cool!!!! But it is only in 2 months, so i have time to study more this time!! I want to get a trophy.. hehe

here are some pics from this last competition, it was at Cypress Bay.

Jenie - me - Juan - Christian
me - Juan - Christian - Jenie - Amir

Jenie's shoes.. so cute.. hehe

this is our teacher Ms Kohl.. she is super nice!!!!